Max Steel (2016)
Max Steel is a 2016 American science fiction action superhero film directed by Stewart Hendler, written by Christopher Yost,[4] and stars Ben Winchell, Josh Brener, Ana Villafañe, Andy GarcÃa, Maria Bello and Billy Slaughter. Based on the eponymous toy line by Mattel, the film chronicles the adventures of teenage Max McGrath (Winchell) and alien companion Steel (Brener), who harness and combine their tremendous powers to evolve into the turbo charged superhero Max Steel.
Max McGrath (Ben Winchell) is a teenager who slowly learns that he’s different from everyone around him. He can cause interference on electronic devices with a simple flick of the wrist or wave of the hand. The power begins to overwhelm him. He has no choice to but to escape the public eye, to release the energy building inside in isolation. When he’s at a breaking point of uncontrolled power, along comes a small alien robot called “Steel” (voiced by Josh Brener) that symbiotically works with Max to help him control his newfound abilities. As Max and Steel harness the power and the truth about who Max really is comes into focus, he finds himself at odds against a foe determined to steal his energy at any cost
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