X-Men - Apocalypse [2016]
"X-Men: Apocalypse is a 2016 American superhero film based on the fictional X-Men characters that appear in Marvel Comics. It is the ninth installment in the X-Men film series and is a sequel to 2014's X-Men: Days of Future Past. Directed by Bryan Singer, with a screenplay by Simon Kinberg from a story conceived by Singer, Kinberg, Michael Dougherty and Dan Harris, the film stars an ensemble cast, led by James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Oscar Isaac, Nicholas Hoult, Rose Byrne, Tye Sheridan, Sophie Turner, Olivia Munn and Lucas Till. In X-Men: Apocalypse, the ancient mutant En Sabah Nur awakens in 1983, and plans to cleanse the human race and take over the world, leading the X-Men to try to stop him and defeat his team, the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse.
The film was announced by Singer in December 2013, with Kinberg, Dougherty and Harris attached to develop the story. Casting began in October 2014, while principal photography commenced in April 2015 in Montreal, Canada, and ended in August of the same year. X-Men: Apocalypse premiered in London on May 9, 2016, and was released in North America on May 27, 2016, in 3D and 2D, and in IMAX 3D in select international markets. The film received mixed reviews and has grossed over $402 million worldwide."
The film was announced by Singer in December 2013, with Kinberg, Dougherty and Harris attached to develop the story. Casting began in October 2014, while principal photography commenced in April 2015 in Montreal, Canada, and ended in August of the same year. X-Men: Apocalypse premiered in London on May 9, 2016, and was released in North America on May 27, 2016, in 3D and 2D, and in IMAX 3D in select international markets. The film received mixed reviews and has grossed over $402 million worldwide."
Official Movie Trailer:
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